Low Amp Probe Troubleshooting (07-60)


If you have trouble using the 07-60 low current probe, please review the following troubleshooting notes before returning the probe or contacting our technical support department:

• Is the power light coming on and staying on steady? If not, try installing a fresh battery in the probe.
• Is the low battery light on? If so, install a fresh battery in the probe.
• Have you tried replacing the battery? Often times a marginal battery may not turn on the low battery light but still affect probe performance.
• What scope or meter are you using? Some scopes such as the LS-2000 and ADL-7100 require trimming the banana plug shrouds in order to make a good meter connection. Also, some meters don't have good enough resolution at low voltage levels for current tests below 1A.... such as the LS-2000/ADL-7100, VantageÒ in Waveform viewer mode and CJ-Max. Low current waveforms can be captured with these meters but they may appear smaller on the screen than you expect.
• Where are you connecting at the meter? All current probes must be connected to a voltage input since they output a calibrated voltage in response to current flow. DO NOT connect to your meters amps input; this input is for a series type test only.
• What calibration selection are you using on the probe? Most low current measurements require the 1mV/10mA setting. This is the first click up on the 07-60 and is better expressed as 100mV/A. Choosing and interpreting the calibrations confuses many users. Take a few minutes to make sure you understand it thoroughly.
• What voltage settings are you selecting on the scope? 100mV per division is a great starting point for most meters. Using the 100mV/a calibration, each scope division will represent 1A. Lower voltage setting may be required though for a better picture on extremely low current measurements such as many injectors, battery drain and so on. On meters like the Vantage, a voltage range of 0V to 1V or 0V to .2V is a good starting point; this gives you a 0-10A or 0-2A display. Fine tune your voltage and time settings as needed. Also, make sure you are 100% familiar with your scope and its controls.
• What time setting are you using? Select a time setting that relates to the component being tested. For example, primary ignition events normally last anywhere form 2-6 milliseconds on average so 1mS/div might be a good starting point. Again, make sure you thoroughly understand your scope and it’s controls.

If any of the above items do not solve the problem you should contact AES technical support. Before you contact our technical support department, make note of the following:

• What exactly is happening or not happening that indicates a problem with the probe?
• Can you send a screenshot for us to look at?
• Are there any other symptoms or unusual things about the possible failure? (i.e.: things like the loose battery connection, loose or tight switch, etc., etc.)

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