Test Drive Test Leads with Ground Control for Pico 4425 (AES# 03-760-Pico-GC)

ST3 "Test Drive" Test Leads with Ground Control for Pico 4425 (AES# 03-760-GC)

Ground at scope BNC:

Each lead has a BNC that connects to the scope and a black Ground Access Pigtail with a stacking plug.

Stack all the plugs together and then attach the 10-ft Chasis Ground Lead to have one ground for all 4 channels.

The Chasis Ground can be connected to any of the Ground Access Pigtails and they in turn can be stacked in any order.

Ground at test lead:

Each lead also has a Ground Access Junction that is located 3-ft from the test end of the lead.

Use these with the 3-ft Ground Extension when you want different grounds on each channel.

The 10-ft Chasis Ground Lead can also be connected to any of the Ground Access Junctions.



ST3 "Test Drive" Test Leads with Ground Control for Pico 4425 (AES# 03-760-Pico-GC)

4 @ 10-ft leads with Ground Pigtail at BNC and Access ground at 3-ft from lead tip.

1 @ 10-ft Chasis Ground

4 @ 3-ft Ground Extension



All lengths can be customized.​

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