- Connect the probe into the COMM and Volt Input. Do not connect to the AMPS input.
- Set the meter to Millivolts because the probe outputs millivolts/amp.
- With the AES Generic Low Current Probe the ranges are:
- Probe setting = 1mV/10mA change to 10mV/1A (10 millivolts = 1 amp)
- Probe setting = 1mV/100mA change to 100mV/1A (100 millivolts = 1 amp)
On the meter screen you are really seeing volts, but the probe is measuring amps and displaying the amps on the screen in the form of a voltage reading, scaled per the above.
The calibration settings of the AES# 07-60 are hard to understand. We suggest you relabel the settings to make them easier to understand.
- Probe setting = 1mV/10mA change to 10mV/1A
- Probe setting = 1mV/100mA change to 100mV/1A
For the label use masking tape and a permanent marker. For more tips and diagnostic info on current probe technology, using with a lab scope and waveform diagnostics ask about Jorge Menchu's video/manual kit, "Mastering Low Current Probes."
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNZgm0hatzU
Tags: 07-60, DMM, amp probe setup.