Multimeter with Low Amp Current Probe

  1. Connect the probe into the COMM and Volt Input. Do not connect to the AMPS input.


  1. Set the meter to Millivolts because the probe outputs millivolts/amp.   


  1. With the AES Generic Low Current Probe the ranges are:
    • Probe setting = 1mV/10mA change to 10mV/1A (10 millivolts = 1 amp)
    • Probe setting = 1mV/100mA change to 100mV/1A  (100 millivolts = 1 amp)

On the meter screen you are really seeing volts, but the probe is measuring amps and displaying the amps on the screen in the form of a voltage reading, scaled per the above.  


The calibration settings of the AES# 07-60 are hard to understand. We suggest you relabel the settings to make them easier to understand.  

    • Probe setting = 1mV/10mA change to 10mV/1A
    • Probe setting = 1mV/100mA change to 100mV/1A  

For the label use masking tape and a permanent marker.  For more tips and diagnostic info on current probe technology, using with a lab scope and waveform diagnostics ask about Jorge Menchu's video/manual kit, "Mastering Low Current Probes."



Tags: 07-60, DMM, amp probe setup.


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