Drew Tech Cardaq-M GM & Chrysler Java setup

Chrysler and GM’s J2534 software can have issues running versions of Java 6 and Java 8. Here is a procedure to install Java 7-67 on your PC and adjust some settings on your PC so that you can successfully run GM’s and Chrysler’s software.


1. Check the Windows Control Panel and make sure there is only one version of Java installed on the PC. Java 7-67 seems to work with both GM’s and Chrysler’s J2534 software. Here is a link to install Java 7-67 if it isn’t already on your PC:





2. Add these trusted sites to the Trusted Sites websites in Internet Explorer (Open Internet Explorer then go to Internet Options/Security/Trusted Sites/Sites/Add








3. Add these links to the Java Control Panel Security Exception site list. You can open the Java program by clicking your Start button then clicking All Programs/Java (folder)/Configure Java








Shut down any internet browsers you have open the try what you need to do with GM/Chrysler.



  1. Cardaq Drew Tech 
  2. DT-cardaq-M
  3. Java
  4. Flashing
  5. Cardaq-M
  6. Cardaq Plus 2
  7. CDP2
  8. Oe-chrysler
  9. Oe-gm


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