Launch Updates

Updates stop in 2017: (as of 10/1/16)
- DF (Diagun Full) , TWO updates a year, terminating in 2017.
- M (Master), TWO updates a year, terminating in 2017.
- GDS-SW (GDS), regular updates, terminating in 2017.
- X431-IV, regular updates, terminating in 2017.
- X431-PAD, regular updates, terminating in 2017.
- X431-DIAGUN III, regular updates, terminating in 2017.

- X431 AutoBook
- X431 Tool
- X431 Infinite
- X431 Standard 
- X431 Diagun Asian/Euro

- L-Update Diag
- L-Update GDS
- L-Update Pad
- L-Update Tool w/o 16
- L-Update x431 Master

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